Slither: 2-minute energizer break

Take care of your body, mind, emotions, and spirit throughout the day!

Move your joints and spine, stretch your muscles, get your circulation flowing, and keep your prana, your vital life energy, flowing. A simple way to reduce the stress and tension from being glued to your device.

Taking short breaks throughout the day helps your creativity, productivity, happiness, and general well-being. Do the Slither, go to the kitchen and make a cuppa, or better yet, go for a brisk walk with your mouth closed. These are just a few efficient ways for keeping you healthy throughout your life.

Breath. Move. Be Present.
~ Enjoy.

Deborah Rubin

Enliven What Lies Within through Yoga, Breathing and the Clarity Process

Wonders of Neti Pot


Feeling Clogged? No Energy? Stuck?