Feeling Clogged? No Energy? Stuck?

Are your Chakras all messed up? Here's a fun video on how to balance your energy centres to feel flushed, energized, unstuck and balanced.

Each energy centre is an expression of your life force. It has strength, purpose, and wisdom to teach you. Each chakra has a relationship with your psychological, physiological and sprititual growth. When imbalanced your overall well-being is greatly affected. When balanced, chakras naturally promote a more healthy sense of self…a more loving, creative, productive, intuitive, and vibrant you.

Stay tuned for more fun tips and tricks that make your day!

Revitalize your Whole Body! Get my 'Five Magic Minutes' energizer video. It’s fun. It's FREE. Sign up here.

Deborah Rubin

Enliven What Lies Within through Yoga, Breathing and the Clarity Process


Slither: 2-minute energizer break


Thigh, Knee, & Feet: Strength & Flexibility