Chakra Assessment: Exploration focused on your body’s wisdom

My self-doubt lifted.

“I feel enlightened. It’s like awakening to something new. Deborah had me look deep within which confirmed I am on the right track.”

Haley, Toronto

Each chakra is a centre of energy, purpose, and power leading to mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. When they are balanced you feel healthy, enlivened, energized, and know your direction. When any of them are imbalanced, you can feel stuck, doubtful, lethargice, or are experiencing health issues.

To help you grow in awareness and understanding of your gifts, purpose, challenges, and the beauty of where you are at this moment or stage in your life, book a 90 to 120~minute Chakra Assessment. Leave feeling uplifted and assured.

We will explore together which chakras are open and balanced or need some attention and what that could indicate. You will leave with simple practices to address any issues so you can move forward with clarity and purpose.

I look forward to enlightening you about the intimate aspects of your whole being.

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Free 20~minute discovery call
90 to 120~minute Chakra assessment
$120 CAD
